Welcome to Maheshwari Public School
Education is the way by which we learn to move with new dreams and taking motto of success, keeping pace with the new world as well as giving dignity to our cultural heritage, we are going to begin our new academic session 2024-25. Maheshwari Public School provides an environment to enable the children to grow in a free and creative atmosphere through a variety of planned activities that help to provide a balanced growth physically, mentally, intellectually and morally. Our students make their presence in every walk of life. Our motto is to work with selfless devotion and dedication to the welfare of our students.
Words of Wisdom

Shri Kedar Mal Bhala
Chairman"Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those, who don’t rest on the laurels of the past."

Shri Madhu Sudan Bihani
Gen. Secretary, Education"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
-Carl Sagan

CA Ganesh Bangar
Hon. SecretaryYou can teach student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity..”.

Ms. Reeta Bhargava
PrinicipalDistinct vision: New dream; Clear reason, novel theme, Through deserts of dreary ways, And..”.




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Our Toppers

Dewakar Jhalani
Science Topper (SSCE-2024)- 95.6 %

Neha Maheshwari
Commerce Topper (SSCE-2024] 97.2 %

Kanika Soni
Humanities Topper (SSCE 2024)- 96.8 %

Darshita Sharma
SSE 2024 (Rank-1) 98.4%

Priya Sharma
SSE 2024 (Rank-2) 98.2 %

Ankush jangid
SSE 2024 (Rank-3) 98 %