Our House

The students are trained to hold positions of responsibility. There are school appointments and House appointments etc. The class monitors will perform duties assigned to them by the class teachers. School Prefects and House Prefects work in various school committees, hold periodic meetings and help in the conduct of school activities and welfare measures to be taken for the school community.
The Head Boy and the other Prefects will be appointed by the Principal from amongst those who show qualities of leadership, command a great deal of respect from their fellow students and form a very valuable group of the school community.
In each House, there are two house captains for seniors and two house captains for juniors. The Chief House Master is assisted by a team of Senior, Junior and Primary House masters. They look after the general progress of their House wards in academics, games, sports and co-curricular activities etc. Since all the competitions are held on Inter House basis, House loyalties are strong. A regular record of a student's participation and achievements is maintained and points are awarded to each House for rewards.